Sunday, July 12, 2009

postings on this blog

There was a query from Anjali
Hi Ajaya Bhaiya

Thank you for forwarding the email to me. I wanted to ask you a few questions regarding the blog

Is there a way you can add people to the ownership of the blog or make it so they can contribute?

The way it is set up currently. Those of us viewing the blog can only post comments on existing blog entries. I would like to be able to post some photos or maybe even an article i wrote as a child about Papas(Mahender uncles) journey to America.

Please let me know if this is possible."

Yes! it is possible for all invited to do so. Allyou need to do is, send me gmail/google account of yours and i shall include in the list of authors. Thereafter you can be an active particpant.

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